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My Heart Will Go On

“My Heart Will Go On” (Gray Catbird in Birdbath, Dumetella carolinensis) Nikon D300, 1000mm (600mm w/1.7x teleconverter), F/6.7, 1/20s, ISO 640

Here we are at the ‘magical’ birdbath once again!

This time, a Gray Catbird takes a dip and seems to be re-enacting that infamous scene on the bow of the Titanic.

Queue the haunting melody… 😉


  1. haha – that is really cool 🙂

  2. Yes, the video provided a perfect smile opp for the day.

  3. Your critters really know how to pose. This is great. I just hope the birdbath stays in one piece. 😉

    • All of them except the male Cardinal, of course! I think the other birds are trying to make me feel better… 😉 Thanks!

  4. “My Heart Will Go On”, from Titanic.

    Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha… made my day.Hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

  5. Hey, I had a male cardinal sighting the other day! Flew right in front of my car and I almost smacked him! But no worries, he’s OK 😉
    I agree with Sean, your little critters DO know how to pose.Wonder if they give lessons, because my kids sure could use some!!

    • Right now, I probably wouldn’t have minded if you did smack him! (kidding!)

      Liar! I’ve seen your girls and they pose just fine for you!

      Thanks, M! 😀

  6. Yes, I’m flying, I’m flying, but where’s Jack? Great capture 🙂

  7. Awesome pose! But I must say, the catbird is one bird’s “singing” (and I call it that very loosely) I could do without. Those birds sit in the trees at the border of my yard and taunt me with their “aaacccckkkk!”

    I’m hearing those cardinals singing an awful lot lately! Your day is coming!

    • Thank you, Karma!

      Ha! The catbirds don’t taunt me so I have no issues with them!

      Yeah, one day I’ll get that cardinal! I hear them all the time (now, they taunt me) and just yesterday, have started to see more than just one around so there is hope!

  8. Okay…you are getting a very good return on your investment, Tracy. These birds, squirrels and flowers have paid you and, in turn, all of us with some amazing photos. Thank you and them.

    • Ha! Indeed I am, Scott! Thanks!

      Trust me, the birds and critters are well fed and sheltered for their troubles! 🙂

  9. ha! brilliant. king of the birdbath.

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