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Category Archives: Leaves

With the hot temperatures we’ve been experiencing in the Northeast lately (not complaining…I love summer!), I thought it fitting to showcase a ‘hot’ flower.

“Seeing Red” (Red Zinnia) Nikon D300, VR 105mm F/2.8G, F/5.6, 1/200s, ISO 640

Zinnias are a wonderful potted annual for my landscape for many reasons:

  • they are easy to grow
  • they come in a variety of colors (pinks, yellow, oranges, corals, reds, etc.) adding ‘pop’s of color just where I need it
  • and, the critters don’t eat them!

What’s not to love? 😉

Anyone living along the east coast who thought the weather forecasters were kidding about the Nor’easter woke up to find the joke was on us! My city faired better than many with only a few inches, BUT it was the heavy, wet kind of snow that downed many branches including a large one off of my (already damaged) Coral Bark Maple. 😦 I must admit, Mother Nature got me since I didn’t see that one coming or else I would have strapped the branches together (as I intended to do before ‘winter’ arrived) when we were scurrying around yesterday covering furniture and moving in fragile perennials that I had yet to get planted into the ground. Sigh.

Not wanting to dwell on what was damaged, I decided instead, to look for the beauty of the day. It isn’t often we get the combination of gorgeous fall foliage, crisp blue skies, brilliant sunshine AND a bed of the white stuff. As the winds whipped, I walked the landscape, shooting until my hands were frozen.

Folks who don’t experience snowstorms often ask how we ‘deal’ with it.

Well, I think the last photo pretty much sums it up. 🙂

"S(no!)w Welcome" (Welcome Flag with Urn) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 11mm, F/4.0, 1/100s, IS0 125, Built-in Flash, -1.3EV


"Duck, Duck, Snow!" (Resin Ducks in Snow) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 13.5mm, F/4, 1/250s, ISO 100


"When Seasons Collide" (Backyard Shed in Snowy October) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 6.8mm, F/4.0, -0.3EV, 1/320s, IS0 100


"S(no)w Swimming" (October Pool) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 4.3mm, F/8.0, 1/125s, IS0 320


"Snow Birds" (Copper Swans with 'Cardinal Red' Hydrangea) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 21.8mm, F/4.5, 1/80s, IS0 125


"Seasonal Confusion" (October Backyard, Far View) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 4.3mm, F/8.0, 1/60s, IS0 160


"How to Weather Snow in October" (Backyard Vignette) Canon PowerShot SX40 HS, 7mm, F/4.0, 1/00s, IS0 100

Even though I seem to be doing things at a very slow pace these days, this summer feels like it is flying by. Here we are in August (AUGUST!) already and the cooler days of fall are fast approaching.

‘Slug-ish’ (Land Snail on Daylily Frond) Nikon D300, VR 105mm F/2.8G, F/5.6, 1/125s, ISO 640

That isn’t to say I’m tossing in the (beach) towel ;-). Nope, I’m the girl that grabs onto summer and holds tight with both hands. Temps in the 90’s? Keep ’em comin’. I’ll sacrifice a few plants in the garden and a sweaty brow for every last ray of sunshine I can soak in. It’s the only way I can make it through the inevitable winter. (Oh, well, that and a few trips South. 😉 ) 

They say that snails are BAD for a garden, but I’ve only seen these little guys hanging out on the daylily fronds so, for now, they can feel safe here. This fine specimen was actually moving right along (yes, at a snail’s pace) leaving a trail of slime in its wake. I thought the sprinkling of snails added some rather nice ‘bling’ to the mass of green and when the sunshine struck their iridescent shells, they would glow like fine gemstones.

As far as I’m concerned, August can take a few lessons from the snails.

No need to rush on by… take a load off and sit awhile.

You are welcome to stay as long as you’d like. 🙂

When I was a child, my dad was a giant to me. At a height of 6 feet, he stood a whole foot taller than my mom making him seem larger than life. His hugs would completely engulf you and once captured, you weren’t safe from a barrage of kisses! Yes, my dad loves his kids, and me being the youngest girl, I think I got more hugs and kisses than the rest. Lucky me. 🙂  

I’ve inherited many things from my dad (height not being one of them). My sweet tooth (yeah, my thighs thank him for that), the ease at which I make friends, the ability to drum up a conversation with a complete stranger (a trait of his that used to annoy the hell outta me as a kid), a non-judgemental attitude towards life, a love of the outdoors (especially water) and an almost extreme persistance (okay, stubbornness) when it comes to wanting to know how things work. But, above all, he gave me the propensity for all around ‘nice-ness’. If nothing else, my dad is a nice guy. I don’t think he knows any other way to be.  

"Daddy Longlegs" (Harvestman Arachnid) Nikon D300, 105mm F/2.8G Macro, F/8, 1/40s, -0.7EV, ISO 1000

Living a distance away, I don’t get to see my dad very often. But, even just talking on the phone, I can feel the warmth of his hugs as he says (again) how so very proud he is of me. I can’t tell you how many times that is exactly the kind a thing a daughter needs to hear.  

Happy Father’s Day, Dad! ♥ ♥