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One thing this Project 365 of mine has taught me is to look beyond the obvious and see the potential in subjects that, in the past, I would have promptly dismissed. 

For example, spring cankerworms have certainly done their fair share of damage this season, which is a source of aggravation for any gardener. However, as an ‘enlightened photographer’ ;-), I am now able to view them from a completely different perspective. 

"Inch By Inch" (Spring Cankerworm aka Inchworm) Nikon D300, 105mm, F/8, 1/250s, -0.3EV, ISO 400, Built-in Rear Curtain Flash, -2.0EV, Silver Efex Pro 'Split Toning' Filter

Plus, with my project finish only one day away, they are also very timely! 😀


  1. Sorry to hear about the damage they did… my girls love little inchworms.

    • You’re sweet, Michaela! All the shrubs will rebound…they always do which is what I find so remarkable about them!

      I could send a whole jarfull of inchworms to you if you’d like…. 😉

  2. Very cool – love it 🙂

  3. I’m guessing that worm isn’t on a shrub here. Unless its one of those ones that creates the carbon fiber. 🙂 This worm looks like he’s got his work cut out for him.

    I find it amazing how many photographic opportunities are everywhere. The challenge becomes how to pull it off effectively.

    • Ha! Very perceptive of you, Sean! 🙂

      The inchworm is crawling on the mesh portion of our gas grill cover. I liked the grid pattern creating all those bokehs and even, the folds which yielded an interesting depth. I thought it paralleled the daunting task I was faced with at this time last year, and now, am nearing the end of.

      I shot this in b/w and then thought that was a little too plain so, remembering your images with split toning, gave that a shot in Silver Efex Pro. Did the trick!

      Thanks, Sean! 🙂

      • Sweet! I’m glad I inspired you on the split toning. 🙂

  4. Ok… you may have changed my mind on the squirrels, but these guys are still pests! 😉

    • Yeah, I agree with you on this one. I just felt I had to make some peace with them after dealing with all their damage! 🙂

  5. I think it makes a great photo, if not a great garden. What are you going to do when the bell tolls the end of your year?

  6. Tracy, this is a great shot, wow I like the angle and everything. I agree with you that the more time you spend crafting your skill the better you get. I hope you don’t end this project 365. I really enjoy all your photographs, it always makes me smile. So, how about another project 365 🙂

    • Thank you, Consuelo! It’s a very unique shot, indeed!

      Project 365 is ending but that doesn’t mean I will stop posting. I guarantee it! 🙂

  7. Wow that was a quick 365… Well for me anyways… but then I was pretty late to the party (as usual.. lol)… You’ve sure done amazing though finding this shot… I have the utmost respect for you, as I KNOW I’d not have the imagination and dedication to do a 365 project…

    Can’t wait to see what the final shot will be… 🙂

    • Thank you, Brian! You are very kind!

      No, it was a loooooong 365, trust me! People always say that if you knew what you were getting yourself into, you’d never do it. I couldn’t agree more. Am I glad I did it? Damn straight. I’m actually extremely proud of myself because I distinctly remember all those times I just wanted to quit. Encouragement from folks like yourself saw me through. 🙂

      A year ago I neve would have taken this shot. That’s progress, right? 🙂

  8. Well, it’s your last day. I’ll bet you are stessing about what to put up as your final piece for this project. How about a great shot of your beautiful self! I would say that would be a great way to finish the year 🙂

    • Ha! Nope, not stressing one little bit. Found the perfect shot and new instantly as I was doing it that it was the one.

      Highly unlikely you’ll see a shot of me…after a weekend of mulching and other gardening chores I’m not exactly in picture-perfect form! 😀

  9. Interesting, in more ways that one.

    First, it is a very unique photo. I wasn’t sure at all what it was inching along until you explained it. It almost appeared that it was crawling up some sort of water spout, like the proverbial spider, due to the glittery appearance.

    Second, I had no idea that inchworms were pests! In all my years of gardening that fact seems to have passed me by. Is there a particular type of plant they enjoy?

    • Thank you, Karma! 😀

      Not all inchworms are pests. Spring (and fall) cankerworms just happen to be when they arrive en masse and start to defoliate every deciduous shrub and tree they can get their little mouths on. I spray to protect the plants but sometimes, I’m too late. This season, they seemed particularly fond of my Knaphill-Exbury Azalea and my Purpleleaf Sandcherry. The biggest pain of them is all the poop they leave behind! At times, it can actually sound like it is raining!

  10. i like it a lot! the bokeh squares of the mesh looks awesome.

    when you compare this to the surrounding posts, it looks kind of un-Tracy, but that’s why i like it! (which is NOT to say that i don’t like the classic Tracy shots). shooting something a little different helps you understand what subjects and techniques you like and dislike and what inspires you. as for me, i like!

    • Thanks, Stephen!

      Ha – spoken like a true lawyer!!! 🙂 I understand completely. Yes, one thing the project has shown me is, there are no restrictions and I can shoot whatever inspires me! Even a little inchworm!

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