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Tag Archives: Iris

“Soul Patch” (Bearded Iris) Nikon D300, 420mm (VR 200-400mm F/4G w/1.4x Teleconverter), F/8, 1/100s, -0.3EV, ISO 640

One of the perks of having a garden is the opportunity to share plants with other gardeners. Many perennials benefit from being “split” and it is a great way to achieve a diverse landscape that is also, rich in history.

Prime example – the bearded irises shown here came from my good friend and next-door neighbor, Nancy, and have a 100+ year-old lineage! Imagine that! 🙂

Here’s the story as told to me by Nancy:

“They were in my mother’s grandmother’s yard and were transplanted to my aunt’s (my mother’s sister) yard in Hanson, Massachusetts. She shared them with me twenty-five years ago when she moved to Florida. I planted them in my mother-in-law’s garden in Beverly Farms and then moved them to this house in 1988. Whew! Since then I’ve shared them with many people who love irises”.

“Drawn” (Bearded Iris with Hoverfly) Nikon D300, 550mm (VR 200-400mm F/4G w/1.4x Teleconverter), F/11, 1/50s, ISO 640, Slightly Cropped

Aren’t I a lucky, lucky girl?And so are all of you since now you get to enjoy them as well! 🙂

I hope to split and pass some of these “heirloom” rhizomes onto some other lucky gardener(s) one day. Just the thought of them growing and blooming long after I’m gone is somehow comforting to me. My link in the “proverbial” chain of life, so to speak, albeit a teeny-tiny one.

Aside from irises, other transplant “gifts” I’ve received (as well as given) include: rhubarb, daylily, peony, hosta, azalea,  rhododendron, monkshood, balloon flower, rudbeckia and butterfly bush. I’m sure there are more but this is all I could think of! 🙂

Each weekday around this time, my husband walks through the door after a long day of work, finds me and gives me a great big hug. I ask how his day went and he replies, ‘It just got better.’ Yeah, he’s a keeper! 🙂  

Unfortunately today, I get no hug as he is away on business and will be gone the rest of the week and through the weekend. Sigh.

My Sweet Embraceable You

“My Sweet Embraceable You” (Grape Iris Bloom and Bud, Iris pallida ‘Princess Beatrice’) Nikon D300, 105mm F/2.8G Macro, F/10, 1/60s, ISO 640

This fact hit me like a ton of bricks while looking through the lens at this sweet Grape Iris bloom seemingly embracing a smaller bud.  

Damn. That is one lucky bud. 😦